Dr. Wall completed his Doctorate at UBC, where he studied the tempo and duration of magmatism in open-system, mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions (e.g., Stillwater Complex, Montana). He has spent the last four years as a Post-Doctoral Fellow and an Assistant Research Geochemist at the Isotope Geology Laboratory at Boise State University, one of the world’s leading laboratories performing high-precision chemical abrasion (CA) TIMS U-Pb geochronology.
As an active member of the EARTHTIME initiative, Dr. Wall has access to cutting-edge materials and techniques for high-precision geochronology that he will bring to his new role at PCIGR. Dr. Wall has extensive experience in applying tandem high-precision CA-ID-TIMS geochronology and in-situ laser ablation ICP-MS geochemistry to a wide range of geologic settings, including ore deposits such as PGE-reef mineralization, orogenic Ni, Cu-Au porphyry systems, hydrothermal gold, and VMS deposits.
Dr. Wall will start his position on February 16, 2021. For any inquiries, please contact him at cwall@eoas.ubc.ca.