We offer U-Pb geochronology on zircons and accessory minerals and Lu-Hf dating on garnets.
U-Pb Geochronology
Rock samples are first crushed and ground and minerals are separated by water-table (Wilfley table), heavy-liquid and magnetic separation (Frantz magnetic separator).
Zircon grains or grain fragments are manually picked under magnification for imaging analyses. The external morphology of grains is documented by scanning election microscopy while internal structures are examined in polished grain mounts by cathodoluminescence imaging.
PCIGR offers both isotope-dilution and in-situ age analyses applied separately or in tandem where applicable.
Isotope-dilution analysis: Zircons and other accessory minerals are processed with the chemical abrasion, single-grain U-Pb technique using an EARTHTIME ET535 tracer or a UBC 205Pb-233-235U isotope tracer. Analyses are performed via a Nu Instruments Nu TIMS thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS).
In-situ analysis: Zircons and accessory minerals can be analyzed via an excimer laser ablation system coupled to an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). We have the following laser ablation set-ups:
- Resonetics RESOlution M-50-LR laser connected to an Agilent 7700x quadrupole ICP-MS and/or Nu Instruments AttoM high-resolution ICP-MS
- Elemental Scientific Lasers/New Wave Research NWR193UC laser connected to an Agilent 8900 triple-quadrupole ICP-MS.
Lu-Hf Dating
For dating of garnets, grains are washed and admixed with a calibrated and tested UBC 176Lu-180Hf isotope tracer. The mixture then undergoes a stepwise dissolution and cation-exchange chromatography. Lu and Hf isotope compositions are measured via our Nu Instruments Plasma multicollector ICP-MS instrument.
Contacts and Costs
For questions about geochronology instrumentation and submitting samples to PCIGR, contact:
- Dr. Corey Wall for U-Pb geochronology and TIMS
- Dr. Marg Amini for zircon laser ablation via ICP-MS
- Dr. Matthijs Smit for Lu-Hf dating in garnets
Please do not submit raw or prepared samples without first speaking to us. Thank you.
Consult the Fees page for detailed analytical and sample preparation costs.

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