In-situ and Microanalysis Services

We possess both laser ablation and micromilling capabilities. These microanalytical techniques allow for elemental and isotopic analyses to be performed directly on solid samples and samples of irregular size and shape i.e. in-situ analysis.

In-situ analysis includes the following major advantages:

  • Sample preservation: minimally invasive method provides high-data quality while limiting loss or destruction of sample material.
  • Spatial resolution: probing of sample material occurs in the micron range
  • Time-resolved analysis: a record of temporal variation can be determined within a specimen.

PCIGR has two excimer laser ablation systems that are connected to various inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (ICP-MS) for a wide variety of research applications. For simultaneous trace element concentration and isotopic analyses, we offer laser ablation split-stream capabilities.

We also have a stand-alone micromilling system that is designed to recover minute quantities of sample powder for both chemical and isotopic analyses in addition to other microanalytical functions in our LaserSpot workstation.

In-situ and Microanalytical Capabilities

PCIGR can process and analyze the following types of sample materials* via in-situ ICP-MS:

  • Rocks and minerals
  • Drill cores
  • Thin and thick rock sections
  • Microscope slides and thin sections
  • Archaeological and modern bones and teeth
  • Lithic archaeological materials
  • Advanced manufacturing materials

* Please note that PCIGR is not equipped to accept radioactive materials.

For questions about in-situ and microanalytical capabilities at PCIGR, contact Dr. Corey Wall and Dr. Marg Amini.
Please do not submit raw or prepared samples without first speaking to us. Thank you.

Consult the Fees page for detailed analytical and sample preparation costs.

Thumbnail image of In Situ and Microanalysis Services PDF cover sheet

Download our In-Situ and Microanalysis Services brochure [PDF]

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

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