Hello, new Nu TIMS!

March 18, 2022

This week saw the installation and testing of PCIGR’s newest instrument, a Nu TIMS, that has replaced our beloved Triton.


This new Nu TIMS is not to be confused with PCIGR's existing Nu TIMS, which analyzes radiogenic isotopes (i.e., Sr, Nd). The new Nu TIMS will be used exclusively for U-Pb geochronology. 


PCIGR Facility Manager, Dr. Corey Wall, is already analyzing samples on the new Nu TIMS, which will see much analytical action in the years ahead.

Photo of Dr. Corey Wall with Nu TIMS at PCIGR
Dr. Wall meets the new Nu TIMS. 

The new Nu TIMS will allow Dr. Wall, a U-Pb geochronology specialist, to carry out high-precision chemical abrasion TIMS analyses with a double spike. Very few facilities in the world are equipped to perform these types of analyses at such precise levels.

Photo of the Nu TIMS’ top side at PCIGR
Looking down the length of the Nu TIMS’ top side.
Photo of the Nu TIMS’ multicollector array at PCIGR
A closer look at the Nu TIMS’ multicollector array.

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