
Title Publication Date Cluster Author Link to Publication Publication Type
A practical guide for the design and implementation of the double-spike technique for precise determination of molybdenum isotope compositions of environmental samples Skierszkan EK, Amini M, Weis D R&D and Reference Materials Paper
Deep circulation changes in the central South Atlantic during the past 145 kyrs reflected in a combined 231Pa/230Th, Neodymium isotope and benthic View the MathML source d13C record Jonkersa L, Zahna R, Thomase A, Hendersone G, Abouchamig W, Francois R, Masquea P, Hall IR, and Bickert T International Journal
Geochronology of layered intrusions Scoates JS, Wall CJ Book chapter
Evidence for trench-parallel mantle flow in the northern Cascade Arc from basalt geochemistry Mullen E, Weis D International Journal
Depleted components in the source of hotspot magmas: Evidence from the Ninetyeast Ridge (Kerguelen) Frey FA, Nobre Silva I, Huang S, Pringle MS, Meleney PR, Weis D International Journal
Dissolved Ga in the Beaufort Sea of the Western Arctic Ocean: A GEOTRACES cruise in the International Polar Year McAlister J, Orians K International Journal
Twelve thousand years of dust: the Holocene global dust cycle constrained by natural archives Albani BS, Mahowald NM, et al. International Journal
Trace element characterisation of USGS reference materials by HR-ICP-MS and Q-ICP-MS Schudel G, Lai V, Gordon K, Weis D R&D and Reference Materials Paper
Petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the South Kaua'i Swell Volcano, Hawai'i: Implications for the lithology and composition of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume Garcia MO, Weis D, Swinnard L, Ito G, Pietruszka A International Journal
High-precision U-Pb zircon chronostratigraphy of the Mount Read Volcanic Belt in Western Tasmania, Australia: Implications for VHMS deposit formation Mortensen JK, Gemmell JB, McNeill A, Friedman RM International Journal

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We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

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