
Title Publication Date Cluster Author Link to Publication Publication Type
Tracing cadmium, zinc and lead pollution in bivalves from the coasts of western Canada and the USA using isotopes Shiel AE, Weis D, Orians K International Journal
Arsenic speciation in freshwater snails and its life cycle variation Lai, VW-M, Kanaki K, Pergantis SA, Cullen WR, Reimer KJ International Journal
New U-Pb geochronology of Early Cretaceous porphyry and skarn mineralization in southwest Yukon Israel S, Cobbett R, Mortensen JK Government Publication
Strengthening of the North-East Monsoon over the Flores Sea, Indonesia, at the time of Heinrich Event 1 Muller J, McManus JF, Oppo DW, Francois R, Brown-Leger S International Journal
Age, geology, geophysics, and geochemistry of Mahukona Volcano, Hawai`i Garcia MO, Hanano D, Flinders A, Weis D, Ito G, Kurz M International Journal
GEOTRACES Intercalibration of 230Th, 232Th, 231Pa and prospects for 10Be Anderson, RF, Fleisher MQ, Robinson LF, Edwards RL, Hoff JA, Moran SB, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Thomas AL, Roy-Barman M, Francois R R&D and Reference Materials Paper
Strength and geometry of the glacial Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Lippold J, Luo Y, Francois R, Allen SE, Gherardi J, Pichart S, Hickey B, Schulz H International Journal
A common reference material for cadmium isotope studies - NIST SRM 3108 Cd Abouchami W, Galer S, Horner T, Rehkamper M, Wombacher F, Xue Z, Lambelet M, Gault-Ringold M, Stirling C, Shiel A, Weis D, Holdship P International Journal
Structure, stratigraphy, U-Pb geochronology and alteration characteristics of gold mineralization at the Detour Lake gold deposit, Ontario, Canada Oliver J, Ayer J, Dube B, Aubertin R, Burson M, Panneton G, Friedman R, Hamilton M… International Journal
Major element variations in Hawaiian shield lavas: Source features and perspectives from global ocean island basalt (OIB) systematics Jackson MG, Weis D, Huang S International Journal

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We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

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