
Title Publication Date Cluster Author Link to Publication Publication Type
Hf isotope compositions of U.S. Geological Survey reference materials Weis D, Kieffer B, Hanano D, Nobre Silva I, Barling J, Pretorius W, Maerschalk C, Mattielli N R&D and Reference Materials Paper
Picritic lavas and basal sills in the Karmutsen flood basalt province, Wrangellia, northern Vancouver Island Greene AR, Scoates JS, Nixon GT and Weis D… Government Publication
Geochronological and lithogeochemical studies of intrusive rocks in the Nahanni region, southwestern Northwest Territories and southeastern Yukon Rasmussen KL, Mortensen JK, Falck H Government Publication
Determination of copper complexation in freshwaters of west Canadian lakes by electrochemical analysis Maruo M, Orians KJ International Journal
Bedrock geology of the Monarch Mountain area (NTS 104N 12), British Columbia Hansen LD, Williams SP, Anderson RG, Dipple GM Government Publication
Cadmium isotopic composition in the ocean Lacan F, Francois R, Yongcheng J, Sherrell R International Journal
Experimental constraints on the origin and evolution of mildly alkalic basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago, Southeast Indian Ocean Scoates JS, Lo Cascio M, Weis D, Lindsley DH International Journal
Compositional studies of placer and lode gold from western Yukon: Implications for lode sources Mortensen JK, Chapman R, LeBarge W, Crawford E Government Publication
Copper dependent iron transport in iron limited coastal and oceanic diatoms Maldonado MT, Allen AE, Chong JS, Lin K, Leus D, Karpenko N, Harris SL International Journal
Submarine radial vents on Mauna Loa volcano, Hawai'i Wanless VD, Garcia MO, and 7 authors (including Weis D) International Journal

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We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

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