
Title Publication Date Cluster Author Link to Publication Publication Type
Testing the silica leakage hypothesis with sedimentary opal records from the eastern Equatorial Pacific over the last 150 kyrs Kienast SS, Kienast M, Jaccard S, Calvert SE, Francois R International Journal
Marginal mafic intrusions as indicators of downslope draining of dense residual melts in anorthositic diapirs? Vander Auwera J, Weis D, Duchesne J-C International Journal
U-Pb zircon and monazite ages for the Seagull and Cassiar batholiths, Wolf Lake map area, southern Yukon Mortensen JK, Sluggett C, Liverton T, Roots CF Government Publication
U-Pb constraints on the thermotectonic evolution of the Vernon antiform and the age of the Aberdeen gneiss complex, southeastern Canadian Cordillera Glombick P, Thompson RI, Erdmer P, Heaman L, Friedman RM, Villeneuve M, Daughtry KL International Journal
High-precision isotopic characterization of USGS reference materials by TIMS and MC-ICP-MS Weis D, Kieffer B, Maerschalk C, and 10 authors (including Scoates JS, Friedman R) R&D and Reference Materials Paper
Eastern Pacific cooling and Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation Kienast M, Kienast SS, Calvert SE, Eglinton TI, Mollenhauer G, Francois R, Mix A International Journal
Magmatic relationships and ages of Caribbean Island arc tholeiites, boninites and related felsic rocks, Dominican Republic Escuder Viruete J, Diaz de Neira A, and 8 authors (including Ullrich T, Friedman RM, Mortensen J) International Journal
Geochemistry of Mesozoic instrusions, Quesnel and Stikine Terranes (NTS 082, 092, 093), south-central British Columbia: Preliminary characterization of sampled suites Breitsprecher K, Scoates JS, Anderson RG, Weis D Government Publication
Age of the Cabonga nepheline syenite, Grenville Province , western Quebec Hudon P, Friedman RM, Gauthier G, Martignole J International Journal
Multi-stage mixing in subduction zones: Application to Merapi volcano (Java island, Sunda arc) Debaille V, Doucelance R, Weis D, Schiano P International Journal

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