
Title Publication Date Cluster Author Link to Publication Publication Type
Coherent French Range blueschist: Subduction to exhumation in < 2.5 m.y.? Mihalynuk MG, Erdmer P, Ghent ED, Cordey F, Archibald DA, Friedman RM, Johannson GG International Journal
Hf and Lu isotopic reference values for the zircon standard 91500 by MC-ICP-MS Goolaerts A, Mattielli N, de Jong J, Weis D, Scoates JS R&D and Reference Materials Paper
Pin-pricking the elephant: evidence on the origin of the Ontong Java Plateau from Pb-Sr-Hf-Nd isotopic characteristics of ODP Leg 192 basalts Tejada MLG, Mahoney JJ, Castillo PR, Ingle SP, Sheth HC, Weis D Book chapter
Export production in the Subarctic North Pacific over the last 800 kyrs: No evidence for iron fertilization? Kienast S, Hendy I, Crusius J, Pedersen TF, Calvert SE International Journal
Geologic setting of carbonate altered serpentinite (listwanite) at Atlin, British Columbia: implications for CO2 sequestration and gold mineralization Hansen LD, Anderson RG, Dipple GM, Nakano K Government Publication
230Th-normalization: an essential tool for interpreting sedimentary fluxes during the late Quaternary Francois R, Frank M, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Bacon MP International Journal
Superimposed Quesnel (late Paleozoic-Jurassic) and Yukon-Tanana (Devonian-Mississippian) arc assemblages, Cassiar Mountains , northern British Columbia: Field, U-Pb and igneous petrochemical evidence Nelson J, Friedman RM International Journal
Geochemical and Hf-Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on the origin of the Amsterdam-St. Paul plume and the relatively high 206Pb/204Pb component in Amsterdam-St. Paul hotspot basalts Doucet S, Weis D, Scoates JS, Debaille V, Giret A International Journal
Nd and Pb isotope signatures of the clay-size fraction of Labrador Sea sediments during the Holocene: Implications for the inception of modern deep circulation pattern Fagel N, Humblet M, Brasseur R, Weis D, Stevenson R International Journal
The influence of NW Pacific productivity on North Pacific intermediate-water oxygen concentrations during the Bolling/Allerod period (14.7-12.9 ka BP) Crusius J, Pedersen TF, Kienast S, Keigwin L, Labeyrie L International Journal

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